Installation - Local environment

Environment of development

Name Version link
Golang >= 1.16
GDAL >= 3.3
Python >= 3.7
PostgreSQL >= 11
PostGIS >= 2.5
Docker NC

Clone repository

Clone repository.

Build and run


For more information concerning build and run go application, see: Build and run Go Application

In the geocube repository, cmd/server, run go build command in order to generate executable file:

$ cd cmd/server && go build

It creates the executable server. Some arguments are required in order to start the server.

$ ./server --help
Usage of ./server:
  -aws-endpoint string
        define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-region string
        define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-shared-credentials-file string
        define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -baSecretName string
        name of the secret that stores the bearer authentication (admin & user) (gcp only)
  -cancelledJobs string
        storage where cancelled jobs are referenced. Must be reachable by the Consolidation Workers and the Geocube with read/write permissions
  -consolidationsQueue string
        name of the pgqueue or the pubsub topic to send the consolidation orders
  -dbConnection string
        database connection (ex: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube)
  -dbHost string
        database host (see dbName)
  -dbName string
        database name (to connect with User, Host & Password)
  -dbPassword string
        database password (see dbName)
  -dbSecretName string
        name of the secret that stores credentials to connect to the database (gcp only)
  -dbUser string
        database user (see dbName)
  -eventsQueue string
        name of the pgqueue or the pubsub topic to send the asynchronous job events
  -gdalBlockSize string
        gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
  -gdalNumCachedBlocks int
        gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
        enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
  -ingestionStorage string
        path to the storage where ingested and consolidated datasets will be stored. Must be reachable with read/write/delete permissions. (local/gs)
  -maxConnectionAge int
        grpc max age connection
  -pgqConnection string
        url of the postgres database to enable pgqueue messaging system (pgqueue only)
  -port string
        geocube port to use (default "8080")
  -project string
        project name (gcp only/not required in local usage)
        enable TLS protocol (certificate and key must be /tls/tls.crt and /tls/tls.key)
        configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
        configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
  -workers int
        number of parallel workers per catalog request (default 1)

Example (run):

$  ./server -ingestionStorage=/geocube-datasets -dbConnection=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs /tmp
{"severity":"info","timestamp":"2021-05-24T15:10:57.621+0200","message":"Geocube v0.3.0"}


In the geocube repository, cmd/consolidater, run go build command in order to generate executable file:

$ cd cmd/consolidater && go build

It creates the executable consolidater. Some arguments are required in order to start a consolidation worker.

$ ./consolidater --help
Usage of ./consolidater:
  -aws-endpoint string
        define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-region string
        define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-shared-credentials-file string
        define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -cancelledJobs string
        storage where cancelled jobs are referenced
  -consolidationsQueue string
        name of the messaging queue for consolidation jobs (pgqueue or pubsub subscription)
  -eventsQueue string
        name of the messaging queue for job events (pgquue or pubsub topic)
  -gdalBlockSize string
        gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
  -gdalNumCachedBlocks int
        gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
        enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
  -pgqConnection string
        url of the postgres database to enable pgqueue messaging system (pgqueue only)
  -psProject string
        subscription project (gcp pubSub only)
  -retryCount int
        number of retries when consolidation job failed with a temporary error (default 1)
        configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
        configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
  -workdir string
        scratch work directory
  -workers int
        number of workers for parallel tasks (default 1)

Example (run):

$  ./consolidater -workdir=/tmp -psProject geocube-emulator -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs /tmp


Downloader service is useful if the server runs in a distant environment, and the local environment has an efficient access to the storage.

In the geocube repository, cmd/downloader, run go build command in order to generate executable file:

$ cd cmd/downloader && go build

It creates the executable downloader. Some arguments are required in order to start a downloader service.

Downloader available options:

$ ./downloader --help
Usage of ./downloader:
  -aws-endpoint string
        define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-region string
        define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -aws-shared-credentials-file string
        define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
  -gdalBlockSize string
        gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
  -gdalNumCachedBlocks int
        gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
        enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
  -maxConnectionAge int
        grpc max age connection
  -port string
        geocube downloader port to use (default "8080")
        enable TLS protocol
        configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
        configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
  -workers int
        number of parallel workers per catalog request (default 1)

Basic example:

./downloader -port 8081 -workers 4

Example with GCS support:

./downloader -port 8081 -with-gcs -workers 4 -gdalBlockSize 2Mb

Storage Debug (GCP only):

It's possible to monitor storage metrics with --gdalStorageDebug argument.

You will retrieve storage metrics into logs as:

{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/2/-89/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/4/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/5/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/4/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 3 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/5/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-89/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/2/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/6/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/6/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 3 calls - 3145728 octets"}



Autoscaling is not available in a local environment. See K8S - Autoscaler for more information.

Messaging Broker


To use this messaging broker, create the pgq_jobs table in your postgres database using the following script interface/messaging/pgqueue/create_table.sql.

$ psql -h <database_host> -d <database_name> -f interface/messaging/pgqueue/create_table.sql

Then, start the apiserver and the consolidater with the corresponding arguments: - --pgqConnection: connection uri to the postgres database (e.g. postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube) - --consolidationQueue consolidations - --eventsQueue events And the Autoscaler, with: - --pgq-connection: connection uri to the postgres database (e.g. postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube) - --queue consolidations

Pub/Sub (Emulator)

For more information, see:

You can launch a local emulator with this command:

$ gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=geocube-emulator
Executing: /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/platform/pubsub-emulator/bin/cloud-pubsub-emulator --host=localhost --port=8085
[pubsub] This is the Google Pub/Sub fake.
[pubsub] Implementation may be incomplete or differ from the real system.
[pubsub] Jun 30, 2021 3:04:05 PM main
[pubsub] INFO: IAM integration is disabled. IAM policy methods and ACL checks are not supported
[pubsub] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
[pubsub] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
[pubsub] SLF4J: See for further details.
[pubsub] Jun 30, 2021 3:04:06 PM main
[pubsub] INFO: Server started, listening on 8085

Topics and subscription which are necessary for the proper functioning of the geocube, can be created by running the following script (replace $GEOCUBE_SERVER by the appropriate value):

$ go run tools/pubsub_emulator/main.go --project-id geocube-emulator --geocube-server https://$GEOCUBE_SERVER
2021/06/30 14:56:48 New client for project-id geocube-emulator
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : consolidations
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : consolidations-worker
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : events
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : consolidations
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : consolidations-worker
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : events pushing to https://$GEOCUBE_SERVER/push
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Done!

In order to run geocube with the PubSub emulator, you must define the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable (by default localhost:8085) before starting services.